October 9, 2012


I love springtime. It almost seems like everything is on the cusp of summer, longing for the warmer weather to come. I love the beautiful flowers, opening their buds to the bright light and the endless amounts of lovesick couples, picnicking in the gardens of Melbourne. My favourite aspect of spring, however, is those summery days that mother nature almost tantalizes us with. The prospects of late night camp outs, eating breakfast on front porches, summer storms and the sepia nostalgia I associate with the change in weather excite me from the tips of my toes to the very ends of my hair. I've had a lovely two week holiday, bathing in the sun, reading in the sun, eating ice cream in the sun, being outside in general. These are just a few snapshots of the last couple of weeks and my adventures with friends.

1 comment:

  1. oh gosh i love spring and all the wonderful colours nature brings to us when spring comes. i can't wait until school is over for the year, i'll be outside forever!


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